Helsinki Algorithms & Theory

3 papers at STOC 2024

STOC is one of the most competitive conferences in theoretical computer science. We have got 3 papers with coauthors from Helsinki in STOC 2024:

The Asymptotic Rank Conjecture and the Set Cover Conjecture Are Not Both True · A. Björklund (ITU Copenhagen), P. Kaski (Aalto)

We show that Strassen’s asymptotic rank conjecture and the set cover conjecture are inconsistent.

Functional Lower Bounds in Algebraic Proofs: Symmetry, Lifting, and Barriers · T. Hakoniemi (Helsinki), N. Limaye (ITU Copenhagen), I. Tzameret (Imperial)

We show lower bounds for some fragments of the Ideal Proof System and demonstrate the limitations of our methods.

No Distributed Quantum Advantage for Approximate Graph Coloring · X. Coiteux-Roy (TU Munich), F. d'Amore (Bocconi), R. Gajjala (IISc), F. Kuhn (Freiburg), F. Le Gall (Nagoya), H. Lievonen (Aalto), A. Modanese (Aalto), M.-O. Renou (Inria), G. Schmid (Freiburg), J. Suomela (Aalto)

We show that quantum communication does not help with distributed graph coloring.